Welcome to NikXcen Naturals Web Store where we make customized, homemade, made to order, hair and skincare products.
All of our products are made with all natural ingredients. No parabens, alcohol or sulfates.! Because we do not use preservatives with chemicals in them, some of our products require refrigeration to keep them fresh longer.
Below are pictures of one of our valued customers who unfortunately suffered from a rare bacterial infection on the right side of her face. She had lots of reoccurring acne and dark marks as a result of the reoccuring acne. She made several visits to a dermatologist, used several different types of medications and treatments, all which seemed to make the problem worst. Just before giving up, she decided to give the NikXcen Naturals complete facial kit a try. Within 4 days there was a significant differance in the skin. In just 30 days of consistent use, the results were outstanding! The skin was back to normal.

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New Beard kit

Beard Oil

Beard Balm

Herbal blend tea

Whipped body butter

Herbal Hair butter

Herbal bath salt

Natural Soy Candles

Bath Tea Bag